News: the latest Scavenging Study videos are UP!

Whew! It's almost the start of another field season and I've only just finished the videos of the previous one. (You know you're behind when...). You can find the latest videos of the 2022-23 Scavenging Study here: It's now time to excavate the stratigraphy of my desk and get back to writing Part 2... Continue Reading →

Relationships Sell Books (and Research)

Last week, I did my first book reading. It was for my first published book Memoirs of a Reluctant Archaeologist. I didn't set out to do a book reading. I asked to consign my book at a local independent bookseller. They said 'sure' then promptly asked if I wanted to do a reading. Like most... Continue Reading →

Scattered, Episode 28 – The Value of Journalism

Episode 28 of Scattered is now live here! Available on your favourite platform Dr. Brad Clark teaches journalism at Mount Royal University in Calgary and his research focuses on media representations of marginalized groups. Brad got into teaching after years of experience as a journalist at newspapers and the CBC, where he covered major stories... Continue Reading →

The Value of Patterns

Would you give your child a medication that has only been tested once on an adult? Likely not.  Would you buy a car that hasn't been safety tested? There's much that we take for granted in life nowadays. Rigorous testing on nearly everything we use is but one. What is the purpose of 'testing'? Testing... Continue Reading →

Writing Memoir is a B***h

About a year ago, I dug out some of my old journals and started to use them for art -- painting over the writing and using them as art journaling books. I am now struggling to recall feelings and thoughts of a younger Yvonne, and I wonder if recycling / upcycling my journals was such... Continue Reading →

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